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Our manuals
How to formulate a good research question
How to construct research designs and conceptual models
Nine ways to draw a sample
How to calculate the sample size
What is representativity
Clarify your vision on factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha
The statistical test procedure clearly explained

Clarify your vision on factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha
One way to get valid and reliable data is to create a questionnaire with a list of statements about a topic. In questionnaires, respondents are asked to give their answer on a five-point Likert scale. The list of statements is supposed to measure a construct. To statistically test whether the construct has been measured correctly, a form of factor analysis is performed. And to test whether the construct has been reliably measured, Cronbach's alpha must be calculated.
This, in a nutshell, is the essence of why factor analysis should be applied and Cronbach's alpha should be calculated. You can read all about it, including wrong visions about this, in our paper.
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