... ...Research Coaches

If you don't know how to sail,
         nor know what you'll encounter during the trip,
                       it's hard to get to the other side.
 Then look for a skipper  who  sailed the sea many times before.

You can only run a marathon if you train a lot. If you train all by yourself, you need a lot of perseverance and the risk of injuries is high. It goes much faster with a coach and you achieve better results.

The same applies to learning research skills. You can learn a lot from books and you can spend hours on the internet, but a good coach can tell you where the information is that you need and can answer your specific questions. Consequently, you learn the needed research techniques faster and easier, and it increases the quality of your research.

Everyone needs a coach every now and then. A coach is someone who encourages you to keep going and who points you to a better and easier way.

How to find a coach?

Coaches can be found everywhere. However, not every coach fits your needs.

A coach is not someone who does the work for you, but is someone who helps you to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to perform optimally. You can see that in sports: the athlete has to perform, the coach stands near and gives instructions.

That's how it works in learning research skills too. Asking someone to do the work for you doesn't help you to master those skills. That is not a good coach. It just shows that you are lazy and have enough money to let someone else do the work that is too difficult for you.

If you are looking for a research coach, than a first selection is between coaches in qualitative en quantitative research. Next, some coaches needs to be master in the techniques you want to learn. It is not so easy to find the coach you need. And how do you know a coach is qualified enough to help you? Besides, coaches don't have to live nearby but might be able to help you via internet. How to find them?

We want to be of some help

On this page you can find a list of coaches. All these coaches had to fill in a form about their expertise and the communication applications they use for coaching via internet. All coaches do the job independently from our company. Consequently, the coach decides how much is being charged for one or more consults, and it is up to you whether you want that person to be your coach and pay for the service.

Although we keep an eye on the quality of the performance of the coaches on our list, we are not accountable for their performance. However, we want to provide you with qualified people, so recommendations at the coach's page are welcome. And if a coach performed badly, please tell us too. We only want to suggest highly qualified coaches.

Our coaches have to subscribe our mission: they all want to teach you how to conduct research. Our coaches bring you to a higher level. So at the end of a coaching traject, you should be able to solve the problems you encountered. 

Save time

Be more selfsecure

Get higher grades

Make contact with ...

Foeke van der Zee Research Coach in the Netherlands

Foeke van der Zee, M.Sc. (The Netherlands)

  • Specialized in data analysis with SPSS
  • Likes methodology more than statistics
  • Online consultant for many years
Martin van Leerdam - Research Coach

Martin van Leerdam. Ph.D. (The Netherlands)

  • Specialized in data analysis with SPSS: Multiple regression, binary logistic regression, MLA
  • Consultant for students, promovendi and companies for several years
Mirjam Broekhoff - coach at Research-Coaches.com

Mirjam Broekhof, M.Sc. (The Netherlands)

  • Specialized in qualitative research
  • Author and co-author of several books about market research
  • Consultant and reviewer of thesis' of students for several years
Our coach in Canada

Rana Mustafa, Ph.D. (Canada)

  • Specialized in scientific research on food science and leadership
  • Leadership coach for graduate students and researchers or newcomers to Canada

Did you notice the airplane on top of this page?

In order not to crash right away, you need a teacher who tells you which buttons are important to pay attention to.

Do you want to be a coach?

So far our list of coaches are from the Netherlands only.
 The aim is to have at least one coach in every country in Europe or even world wide.

Are you willing to become a coach? We will give you a free add.

Just fill in our preformated form and we will give you
a great opportunity to earn some money with helping others.

Do not wait nor hesitate. Take action.

If you think  nobody is waiting for your help,  nobody will ask you for your support.

Our goal is to teach students how to conduct research.


Good research provides  better information.
With better information, better decisions can be made.
With better decisions, we can create a healthier, wealthier and freer world,
for people, fauna and flora, for current and future generations.

That is why I think it is necessary for students to learn how to carry out  research well.