Articles in this category
Our manuals
How to formulate a good research question
How to construct research designs and conceptual models
Nine ways to draw a sample
How to calculate the sample size
What is representativity
Clarify your vision on factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha
The statistical test procedure clearly explained

How to construct research designs and conceptual models
Wouldn't it be nice to display an overview of the total research in a single graph? Well, this is possible. You can do that by making a research design.
Creating a research design is bound by specific rules. In this paper you will learn these rules.
Once you know how to make such a graph, every study becomes a lot easier to do. The design gives you guidelines for sampling, collecting the data and analyzing the collected data. It is the methodology in a nutshell to find an answer to the research question.
Your research will go much faster when you know how to make a research design. But you will automatically find that out when you read this paper.
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