Articles in this category
Our manuals
How to formulate a good research question
How to construct research designs and conceptual models
Nine ways to draw a sample
How to calculate the sample size
What is representativity
Clarify your vision on factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha
The statistical test procedure clearly explained

Nine ways to draw a sample
I have read many research reports in which it was completely unclear how the sample was drawn. Most researchers just do something what they think is right. Usually, the reason for this behavior is missing. Nevertheless, the selection of a good sample is crucial. It determines the quality of your research and with a poor sample, the research loses a lot of quality.
Nine forms of sampling can be distinguished. If you apply the correct method correctly in a given situation, you will get a representative response. Then you will have done well. If you do it wrong, your research can become meaningless.
In this paper I explain which methods are available and how to apply them.
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