... ...Privacy policy Research-Coaches.com

In the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are obliged to indicate how we handle personal data of our customers. Of course we are willing to supply this information, because we want to be an organization that complies with the law. In addition, we want to be transparent. We want to help you, not the other way around. If the explanation below is not sufficient, please do not hesitate to contact us. We don't want to disadvantage you and if you have any tips to improve something, we would like to hear it.

The following is discussed in this privacy statement:1. Visiting the website       - Navigation cookies

      - Google       - Facebook pixel

2. The information provided for a membership to view the videos and download information

3. Contact with our coaches

1. Visiting the website

Research-Coaches consists of 2 websites: a public site and a private member site. The following applies to both sites.

The use of cookies

We use cookies on both sites. These are solely intended for navigation, so that you as a visitor can load the page faster. This is part of the template of the site. As the owner of the sites, we do not know which cookies are included in the operating system. It would also be a very technical story. So we leave that to the provider. The provider also has a privacy statement stating that the information is only used for technical management and not for commercial purposes.


People who need help with their research, statistics and/or SPSS often use search engines. To give these people the best possible service, we've given Google permission to index our site. This means that people who are looking for good information can be helped quickly.

We also use the services of Google. With Google Analytics we can keep track of which pages are frequently visited, whether they load quickly enough and whether we have been of service to you. With this feedback we can help you optimally without doing extensive research with the help of surveys and interviews.

We sometimes use Google AdWords. With an advertisement we want to draw the attention of people who need help to the information on our site so that they can receive quick and professional help from specialists in the field of research. To check whether we do this effectively, we use tracking cookies from Google.

Facebook pixel

We did install a Facebook pixel because we also have a FB page. However, FB has no real added value for us. We use Facebook to promote our blogs, and rarely use advertising campaigns on FB. The FB account is more to prevent someone else from taking advantage of it.

2. The data provided for the member site

On the member site you have access to our courses and manuals. This information is protected and therefore you must create an account. All you have to do is enter your email address, your first and last name and a password. With the email address you have a unique access code. We use your name to address you. You need the password to gain personal access to the courses. You must create a password yourself to protect your access. That password is encrypted and neither we nor the provider can see it.

It is possible to post more personal information on the site – this makes communication with us and the other members a bit easier – but you are not obliged to do so.

Access to the information on the member site can take a month, a quarter, a semester, a year or - if a service path has been entered into with us - the membership can even take several years. About a week before the end of the period, you will receive fully automated an e-mail stating that access will be expired.

We use the services of PayPro to pay for the membership. PayPro is a payment provider, say a kind of bank. They ensure that the money you transfer via your bank ends up with us. The PayPro system also ensures that a signal is given to the member site that you need access. That way you have immediate access to the products on the member site and you are not dependent on a person who has to check everything and adjust settings. The only thing you have to enter at PayPro is your email address. You will receive a confirmation invoice via email that you have paid. This invoice also states the amount of VAT that we have to pay to the Dutch government.

If more information needs to be included on the invoice, for example because you can declare this to your employer, please send an email with the extra information. We will then prepare the invoice in our format and send it by email.

We also receive a message from PayPro. We record the fact that we have sold a product in our cash book and we include your email address in the membership administration. We then have to keep that for another 7 years from the tax authorities.

We regularly send an information mail to our members via Active Campaign. It is always possible to end your subscription at the bottom of each mail.

3. Contact with coaches

You can make contact with the coaches that have provided information on our site. This is – for the time being – a free service. Coaches provide some personal information, they have to tell with what kind of research fields they are experienced and about the way they work. With this information, students can select a coach and make contact.

We do not interfere with the communication between the coach and the student, nor with any agreements about how the help is given or with payments. Of course we will help if there are problems, but in principle we assume that this will not be the case.


We hope to have explained in a clear way what data we collect, store and what we do with it. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We like to help people.

Groningen, October 9, 2022
(updated version)

Foeke van der Zee
Director and owner of Research-Coaches

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